First off let me apologies, I haven't posted in a long time, you see I have recently started college so I've been busy! Don't worry I'm still here though and today I have some excellent Kanji learning videos to share with you! They are in development and their aren't many out yet, but i really enjoy doing them and I find Kanji EASY to remember after watching the video and writing it out just once ( and then the stroke order too) and writing the meanings and readings next to it ONCE, in other words i love them. The only bad thing is, as i said before, there are not many out so you can't use them to learn from purely, just as a supplement (at the moment to this date). Anyway here is the link, I also suggest subscribing to this guy and his multiple channels as they are great, giving you news about Japan and it's events as well as teaching some of the language. Enjoy!

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