First off let me apologies, I haven't posted in a long time, you see I have recently started college so I've been busy! Don't worry I'm still here though and today I have some excellent Kanji learning videos to share with you! They are in development and their aren't many out yet, but i really enjoy doing them and I find Kanji EASY to remember after watching the video and writing it out just once ( and then the stroke order too) and writing the meanings and readings next to it ONCE, in other words i love them. The only bad thing is, as i said before, there are not many out so you can't use them to learn from purely, just as a supplement (at the moment to this date). Anyway here is the link, I also suggest subscribing to this guy and his multiple channels as they are great, giving you news about Japan and it's events as well as teaching some of the language. Enjoy!
I saw someone post this on a website today "Hey im 16 and learning Japanese, i love it and im finding it fun but my friends just make fun of me for it and its making me want to stop, what do it do?" This angered me when I read this, not only at the people making fun of that person but also at him.

Since I've started learning Japanese, I've been called every name under the sun related to being obsessed with Japan, "Otaku", "Weabo", "Wapanese", "Wannabe Asian"; But did I let any of these get me down? No and I certainly didn't stop because of it. This one time, one of my particularly supportive friends said this to me; "Why bother learning Japanese you won't get far, I guarantee in a few weeks you will have given up", now actually this hit me hard because he's a good friend and he obviously wasn't very supportive but I carried on and its been a good few months since he said that (take that!) use their doubt as fuel for you to improve, prove them wrong.

Whatever they say, is it really going to do anything bad to you? Forget about it and move on, then laugh at them when you reach the title of bilingual, No one said it would be easy but giving up because of a few words is unthinkable!