I'm back! And as promised here are some tips and resources for mastering those katakana! Remember to return to this blog tomorrow for some great tips on learning those challenging Kanji!

You can learn these really quickly but make sure you secure it in your mind, I recommend doing a column a day and doing the last three columns all together (ra, wa and nn columns) but of course first off of course you need your faithful katakana chart, courtesy of http://www.textfugu.com! And this will do as a stroke order reference. Now all you need is a notepad or paper and a pen!

Ok now you're all kitted up lets start learning Katakana! It's not hard, really it's not! Write down the romaji for each symbol in the column(s) you are learning like so:

Once you have done that write out the correlating symbol next to it, take your time, try to remember it and pay attention to the stroke order. Once you have written the symbol once next to each romaji cover it with paper and write it again, from memory, again take your time and pay attention to stroke order, repeat this process of covering up the symbol and writing them out across the whole page.

Wait five minuets and without looking at the symbols write out all the Katakana you have learnt so far so say you got up to ko you would write out: アイウエオカキクケコ. Do this until you have learnt all the Katakana, it's really that simple!

Note this method also works well with Hiragana, of course you will need different resources for Hiragana for those resources please visit this link

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