It's been a little over two weeks since I started learning Japanese now, so I thought that I'd make this post to give you my experiences so far, this could be useful to you if you're just starting to learn Japanese. I thought I'd write this post in a list format so here goes!
- Learn Hiragana first! I didn;t start off like this but I wish I did, I have now changed my course and have began learning Hiragana and recently got serious about it! Learning Hiragana has helped me with pronunciation, remembering words and other things like actually saying the words, before I stumbled on a lot of words but after learning the basic sounds on their own it has become a great deal easier.
- learn those particles! before I took a more in depth look into particles I didn't get them at all, of course now I'm not a master with them, very far from it but with a deeper understanding came greater ease with constructing my own sentences in Japanese. The ones that have popped up the most for me so far are は (wa) and の (no). Just as a side note yes は is usually pronounces "ha" but as a particle it is pronounced "wa".
- Take a look at basic Japanese sentence structure, again this is needed to start constructing your own Japanese sentences.
- Learn some more vocabulary, so you know that こんにちわ is hello but do you think that is the only was of saying hello? No. of course not, think about English, we have hello hi and many more, the more way you have of saying things the more you will sound like a native speaker and the more you will understand!
Well that's my list, it's not much but what can you expect from someone who has only been learning Japanese for two weeks. I'll add to this list (in other blog posts) as I learn more. So please follow me!
14:22 |
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