Japanese isn't the first language I've tried to learn, I've also tried to learn french and German, but these were just compulsory lessons at school, I never had the intention of becoming fluent in either of them, however i did decide to take French as one of my options, so I had to learn it as best as I could for my exams in order to get a good mark, these are the top five ways I found that helped me learn a language.

5.  Write it down!
When going over new phrases words and grammar, take note! Writing it down can really accelerate the time it takes for your brain to digest an remember the new information you're throwing at it. As well as this is it scientifically proven that when you write stuff down in colour (either in coloured pen or highlighting) you are more likely to remember it, so do it!

4. Listen to yourself!
This is something that can not only really help capture the knowledge but also help you dramatically improve your accent, it's all very well knowing what to say but if you're not saying it correctly people won't understand you anyway, a good accent is vital!

3. Always take the opportunity to talk! 
Whenever you get the opportunity speak in this foreign language, for one thing if you can recall what to say at anytime you know it's really sinking in, this will make it sink in more and as well as that give you a useful moral boost as you know you are making progress.

2.  Stimulate your senses! 
Different people learn in different ways, so take advantage of that, whether you're a visual learner, an audio learner or an active learner, stimulate your senses, make flash card, listen to sound files, make up and play games, maybe even get your friends and family to play them with you. Your imagination is key here, see what you can come up with!

1.  Immerse yourself!
This may not be an available choice for everyone but it is definitely the best, surround yourself with the new language, watch TV shows and movies in that language, read books and magazines in that language, if you're lucky enough to know native speakers of that language, try to spend time with them and ask that they speak in that language! However the best immersion method is simply to go to that country, stay there for a while, then there is not escaping the language, it will become part of you and you will pick it up in a much shorter time!

And the worst...
I've heard of people who buy a book, or find an internet page and just read and read and read vocabulary, this really isn't going to help you much, you should at least say it out loud or even better write it down, don't be lazy! Remember learning a new language isn't easy and I won't pretend to you that it is, you just have to stick with it like I am.

Do you have any tips for learning an language? I and I'm sure many others would love to hear them as they would be very helpful!

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